September 16, 2008

(English) Getting oaw TraceComponent working

For openarchitectureware 4.3 there is a tracing extension available. It allows to create a tracing model of your model2model or model2text transformations. For example you can process this tracing model to generate a HTML, XML, ... documentation of your model transformations.

Unfortunately the extension does not work out of the box for me. I'm using openarchitectureware 4.3.1 from the oaw-development pluginbuilder on a mac. Exactly I use After a little time of debugging I found a solution to get it working:

  • check out project org.openarchitectureware.util.stdlib from the oaw CVS

  • switch that projet to branch B_v43 (Team - Switch to Another Branch or Version...)

  • hint: the project must be placed in the workspace where the oaw project is located that will use tracing, because a reference to the trace metamodel (trace.ecore) in the plugin is incorrect (it points to ${workspace}/org.openarchitectureware.util.stdlib/src/org/openarchitectureware/util/stdlib/trace.ecore)

<bean class="org.eclipse.mwe.emf.StandaloneSetup" >
<-- important to get the correct workspace path -->
<platformUri value=".."/>

<-- XtendComponent and/or Generator -->

<component class="org.openarchitectureware.util.stdlib.TraceComponent">
<traceModelSlot value="tracemodel" />
<traceName value="trace" />

<component id="traceWriter" class="org.openarchitectureware.emf.XmiWriter">
<inputSlot value="tracemodel"/>
<modelFile value="gen/tracing.trace"/>

An short example of tracing model2model transformation shows the following snippet:
extension org::openarchitectureware::util::stdlib::tracing;

create Class Class2Table(Class c) :
createTrace(c,this,"m2m") ->


  1. Hi Michael!

    I'm writing a documentation of the stdlib features for oAW's reference manual. Can I copy the samples from your blog here?

    Best wishes,

  2. Hi Karsten,
    of course you can use it.


  3. Do you know if this problem happens in oaw 5( Eclipse Modeling)????

  4. No, I have not been tested
